PB&J Greek Yogurt Bowl
All Recipes Breakfast Snacks

Pb&J Greek Yogurt Bowl

This PB&J greek yogurt is a delicious high protein recipe inspired by everyone’s favorite childhood food! It contains quality protein, healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants to help you feel full and energized. Plus, this bowl only takes 5 minutes to make!

PB&J Greek Yogurt Bowl

Looking for a quick, nutritious healthy breakfast or snack that tastes amazing? This PB&J greek yogurt bowl is the perfect option! It is filled with protein, healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants. Plus, it tastes like a PB&J (everyones favorite)!

I’m OBSESSED with this bowl! It’s so easy to make, and takes about 5 minutes! There is no baking, freezing, or cooking, all you have to do is pull a couple ingredients out of the fridge!

Protein is an essential macronutrient in our diets and unfortunately many people don’t meet their daily protein intake. This bowl is a great recipe to meet your goals! You can even add a couple eggs on the side or protein powder to the greek yogurt for extra protein!

I love to have this PB&J Greek Yogurt Bowl after a workout because it’s packed with high quality protein. After a workout it’s essential to eat protein because it helps rebuild the muscle broken down. I try to aim for 20-30 grams after a workout, but that number depends on your body weight and activity!

There are so many different ways to make a greek yogurt bowl, so you can truly never get tired of them! Check out my Easy Greek Yogurt Bowl recipe for more yummy greek yogurt bowl options!

Picking out the right Greek Yogurt

With so many additives in common foods it’s important to look for the right ingredients. Here are a couple things to look for:

  1. Most flavored yogurt have added sugars so the best option is to buy plain yogurt and sweeten it with honey, agave syrup, maple syrup or protein powder (My favorite protein powder is Orgain)
  2. Look for a greek yogurt that has around 10-20 grams of protein in a serving.
  3. Try to avoid ones with added sugars on the label.
  4. Make sure there are no weird added ingredients.

PB&J Bowl Ingredients & Substitutions

Plain Greek Yogurt- I use plain whole milk greek yogurt since it’s packed with fat, calcium and protein. (I recommend looking for grass fed dairy since it is filled with more nutrients).

substitutions: plant base yogurt, 2% fat greek yogurt, vanilla greek yogurt

Honey- A natural sweetener (I love to use plain greek yogurt and add honey, since it’s natural and doesn’t have additives)

substitutions: agave syrup, maple syrup

Banana- Tasty topping & adds more nutrients

substitutions: strawberries, blackberries, raspberries

Frozen Blueberries- The “jelly” of the greek yogurt bowl (I use frozen blueberries and melt them to create a warm tasty flavor)

substitutions: frozen strawberries, frozen blackberries, frozen raspberries

Peanut Butter- What’s a PB&J without peanut butter?

substitutions: peanut butter powder, almond butter, cashew butter

Cinnamon- A little sprinkle of cinnamon adds a delicious flavor

PB&J Greek Yogurt Ingredient Health Benefits

Greek Yogurt- Excellent source of protein and calcium, plus it provides a complete source of essential amino acids. I use plain greek yogurt and mix it with honey (a natural sweetener) for full health benefits!

Honey- Contains antioxidants, minerals, and enzymes. It is also shown that honey can soothe coughs, sore throats and treat wounds. Plus, it is super easy to add honey in your diet, and pairs well with yogurt, oats, baking, etc.

Bananas- Rich in nutrients and contain a good amount of fiber, and carbs. They are full of antioxidants which are shown to aid digestion. Not to mention, they also help you feel fuller, and are the perfect food for athletes.

Blueberries- Low in calories and high in nutrients. They contain a small amount of carbs and are high in fiber. Filled with antioxidants and incredibly healthy, blueberries have been shown to help prevent disease and improve health.

Peanut Butter- Great source of protein and healthy fats. It also is loaded with vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the body. Additionally, it is high in fiber which aids better digestion. Since, most peanut butters have added ingredients like sugar or oil, the best option is to buy it with peanuts only.

Cinnamon- A spice that’s been used for centuries. It is rich in antioxidants and may have Anit-inflamatory properties. Research shows that cinnamon can help improve diseases and lower blood sugar. There are two types of cinnamon: Ceylon and Cassia. Cassia can be harmful in large amounts so a good alternative would be Ceylon cinnamon.

Additional Topping Ideas:

  • Chia Seeds
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Cacao Nibs
  • Coconut Flakes
  • Granola

More Healthy Snack Recipes!

More Healthy Breakfast Recipes!

Pb&J Greek Yogurt Bowl

Difficulty:BeginnerTotal time: 5 minutesServings:1 servings


This PB&J greek yogurt is a delicious high protein recipe that includes everyone’s favorite childhood food. It contains quality protein, healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants to help you feel full and energized. Plus, this bowl only takes 5 minutes to make!



  1. Microwave blueberries for 45 seconds.
  2. Mix greek yogurt and honey in a medium size bowl.
  3. Cut up half a banana and add to yogurt.
  4. Add melted blueberries and a spoonful of peanut butter.
  5. Sprinkle cinnamon on top.
  6. Serve & enjoy!


  • You can use vanilla greek yogurt, but I use plain greek yogurt and honey as a healthier option!
  • I use whole milk greek yogurt because it’s a good source of protein, calcium and fat!
  • Melt blueberries for a “jelly” feel!
  • You can also use powder peanut butter for a lower calorie option!
Keywords:Best For Starters, College Friendly, High Protein, Quick Recipes, Sweet, Vegetarian

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